Conference/Event Timetable

This calendar template is useful for creating a conference or event calendar showing your location and itinerary for each day.


This calendar template is useful for creating a conference or event calendar showing your location and itinerary for each day. Each day can be given a title showing your location on that day, and horizontal rules can be used to clearly delimit travel plans and information. Events within each day are separated neatly to help distinguish them. The days of the week are automatically populated at the top of the calendar based on a specification in the template. The heights of days can also be easily changed to accommodate longer or shorter events, and you can output 1-4 weeks as needed. Finally, the starting date of the first numbered day is also clearly set in the template.


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This template was created by Vel.

Current Version

v2.0 (January 12, 2025)


This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

Usage Guide

Setting Starting Day of the Week

Days of the week are automatically output at the top of the timetable. The starting day is set with \setcounter{startingdayoftheweek}{1} where a value of 1 means Sunday, 2 means Monday, 3 for Tuesday, etc. These will loop around, so if you start with a Tuesday, the last day in the timetable will be a Monday.

Set Day Heights

The height of the days is set on the \setlength{\dayheight}{4cm} line. Increase or decrease this value as needed for taller or shorter day cells.

Outputting Days

Each day in the calendar is output with a \day or \blankday command. \day is used for all days with dates at the top right of the day cell and takes 2 parameters: 1) the header at the top of the day cell (e.g. location on that day). 2) the day's events. \blankday takes a single parameter for the day's events (if any) but must be used for empty days even if no events are present.

Within Days

Within each day, you can use \\, \eventrule and \eventskip for separating content. Use \\ to break content onto new lines but keep it together in a single block. Use \eventrule to output a horizontal rule which sticks to the previous line to act as an underline for that line, useful for separating blocks of text that belong together (such as multiple booking numbers). \eventskip adds vertical whitespace below to space out entries per day neatly.

Additional Weeks

This template allows outputting 1-4 weeks of rows for shorter or longer events. The way this is controlled is to simply make sure to always use sets of 7 \day or \blankday commands for each week to ensure the table rules are correctly output.

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This page last updated on: January 12, 2025