Academic Articles

Academic articles, also known as papers, are used to share the results of academic research, primarily with other researchers in the same field. They usually feature a two column layout and are dense with technical language, figures, tables and references. This format is suitable for any highly technical content which has extensive sectioning and displays research results.

Journal Article

This article template aims to emulate scientific journal publications with a formal conservative style and a two-column layout for text. Extensive examples of common content found in scientific papers are provided.

Stylish Article

This article template attempts to emulate the design of contemporary scientific publications. It does this by including colored boxes behind the abstract and headings and a succinct text layout. The template features a table of contents, something usually not seen in articles, which makes it ideal for longer articles with significant structure or for archival purposes.

Arsclassica Article

This article uses the Arsclassica package to specify the document layout and structure. The template features a single column layout which makes it suitable for a greater number of applications such as for academic articles, business articles and reports. The page layout is very clean and minimal to focus on the content at hand in an elegant way.

Wenneker Article

This article template features a large eye-catching title section with space for multiple authors and affiliations per author. The article has a traditional two column layout to make content easy to read. An abstract section is present to provide a lead-in or summary of the article and features a large lettrine to further draw the reader’s eye. The template contains examples of sectioning, referencing, equations, tables, figures and lists to make it easy for you to get started.