Arrow Sign
This sign template directs the viewer to a location of interest with a large solid arrow and big bold text. The arrow can point left or right and extensive color customization is possible to tailor the sign to the situation.
Information Sign
This sign is best suited to displaying an informative message to the viewer. The friendly green heading at the top and serif font act to be a friendly guide to provide information or simple instructions. Additional text on the bottom of the sign provides an optional place for a further descripion, instructions or sign authorship.
Description Sign
This sign is primarily designed to display a large amount of information or instructions to the viewer about an inconvenience, notice, event or something similar. It features 4 elements: the sign title summarizes a key fact, the subtitle acts as a notice, the description text provides a lot more explanation and the additional text gives space for an apology or to state who to contact about the content of the sign.
Alert Sign
This sign template is designed to alert the viewer of an important threat or notice. It is best suited to warning, danger or caution signs due to its bold design and large font sizes. Instruction text at the bottom of the sign provides an optional place for a description or call to action.